
TheINFPpersonalitytypeisIntroverted,iNtuitive,Feeling,andPerceiving,whichmeanstheyareenergizedbytimealone,focusedonbigpictureideasand ...,INFP(Mediator)isapersonalitytypewiththeIntroverted,Intuitive,Feeling,andProspectingtraits.Theserarepersonalitytypestendtobequiet,open- ...,INFPataglance.PeoplewithINFPpreferencestendtobecreativeproblemsolvers.Theyareoftendeeplythoughtful,curious,andimaginati...

All About the INFP Personality Type

The INFP personality type is Introverted, iNtuitive, Feeling, and Perceiving, which means they are energized by time alone, focused on big picture ideas and ...

INFP Personality (Mediator)

INFP (Mediator) is a personality type with the Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Prospecting traits. These rare personality types tend to be quiet, open- ...

INFP personality type characteristics, careers, and ...

INFP at a glance. People with INFP preferences tend to be creative problem solvers. They are often deeply thoughtful, curious, and imaginative learners.

INFP personality type

2023年10月10日 — INFP personality types are empathetic, curious, and deeply connected to their values. Here's a thorough guide on this personality type.

INFP: MBTI ® personality profile - The Myers

INFP personality types seek to live in accordance with their inner core of values, and have insight into what is really important to others.


2023年10月17日 — INFPs tend to be empathetic, thoughtful and always thinking of others, but they can also struggle to speak up about their feelings and goals.


A scene depicting the Mediator personality type (INFP). A female Mediator sits with.


2023年2月28日 — INFP是性格溫柔的「調停者」!情感豐富的理想主義哲學家【16型人格詳細分析】.

Strengths & Weaknesses

Passionate – INFPs contain a deep well of passion, primarily driven by their profound empathy, strong internal values, and ceaseless curiosity about the human ...